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The cottage is on the edge of the village of Elsdon, adjoining my own house. There’s a large wooden barn on the other side (my art studio), and plenty of offroad parking on the gravel drive in front of the cottage. I’m afraid there isn’t any public transport to speak of so a car is pretty much a necessity - unless you are a very keen cyclist !


From the south. Follow A696 towards Otterburn. You approach the first narrow Elsdon turning after a long downhill stretch, passing the TV/radio masts on top of the hill. As you near the bottom of the hill look out for a small right turn between a farm and buildings signed Elsdon. Follow this narrow road to Elsdon, bearing left after crossing a stream and passing some white railings just before the village. Townfoot is the first house on the left. Pull into the shared red gravel drive in front of a timber barn and Townfoot Cottage. If you miss this first turning carry on a little further on the A696 and take the B6341 following directions as from the north below.

From the north. Take the B6341 into Elsdon. Once in the village, follow the road which takes you down through the village greens heading south, leaving the church behind you with the Bird in Bush pub visible over the greens to the right. Townfoot is the last property in the village on the right, pull into the shared red gravel drive in front of a timber barn and Townfoot Cottage.


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